tirsdag 28. oktober 2008


...Dear darkness
Dear darkness
Now it's your time to look after us
'Cause we kept you clothed
We kept in business
When everyone else was having good luck

So now it's your time
Time to pay
To pay me and the one I love
With the worldly goods you've stashed away
With all the things you
Took from us...

Dear Darkness
PJ Harvey

mandag 27. oktober 2008

Til Karen Marie

...Jæger ror - og Oda sitter foran i en pram som de har tatt
Jeg står ved vinduet i natt og en fiol er min trøst
Snart vil sommervinden varsle høst
Men lyset er i nord
Vær velsignet, du som ror...

Sommernatt ved Fjorden

Kjetil Bjørnstad

Hør sangen her

Eller her:

torsdag 23. oktober 2008

Litt mer Tom Waits

...All the good in the world
You can put inside a thimble
And you still have room for you and me

If there`s one thing you can say
About Mankind
There`s nothing kind about man
You can drive out nature with a pitch fork
But it always comes roaring back again...

Misery is the River of the World

Tom Waits

Lift me

...I don´t care if you don’t want me
I’m yours – I’m yours right now

Wrecked, poor, naked and blind
I’m yours – I’m yours -right now...

Lift Me
Madrugada og Ane Brun

mandag 20. oktober 2008


...Uuh, how about you tell me what
you’re doubting us for?
What is wrong with both feet on
this side of the door?
There is no easy way
I’ll be the one who stays

Come closer, love
I can’t hear what you’re saying
Don’t make it easy love...

Come Closer

Marit Larsen